The funny thing about truth is, it's truth. You can deny it all day long, but if it's true, it stays true. Take a dog for instance. You can call a dog a cat all day, but it's a dog, that's the truth. The gospel of God is THE TRUTH! There is more evidence to back it up than any of the so called "theories" out there. What other book is more widely read, studied, translated, and has survived for thousands of years? None. Take a look at this.
It's a square, right? Ya sure it's not an oval or a rectangle? Of course not, it's a square. Well that's how the truth of God's Word is. We try to mess with it and make it say what we want it to, to fit our lifestyle, our chioces, and our decisions. But you can't change the truth, it's still the truth, you become the lie. Today we try and justify EVERYTHING till no one can say anything without offending someone. Don't you think it's time we fessed up to our mistakes instead of trying to change the Word of God around them and come clean and get right with God. It's time we realized truth for what it is, truth, pure and simple.