Monday, December 6, 2010

A new day, my friend!

My faithful few who have stuck with me through my absence in blogging, I now vow to re-appear! I love to write, but life has been so busy I haven't had a chance to just sit and write, I refuse to let it get away from me anymore! So as the re-grand opening of my blog spot, I will begin this week by writing of my many blessings each day. I begin this week with a blessing that I take for granted sometimes though I don't know why; friendship.

People who somewhat know me know I am friendly. I love people! I love to watch people, talk to people, get to know people. However, I have precious few "real" friends that I talk to on a somewhat regular basis. Believe it or not, I am a somewhat private person, if not a secret introvert. I only have one best friend, who is a non-family member, other than my hubby that is. She has been with me though actual thick and thin (life and body wise). She's loved me when I certainly didn't deserve it and listened when I know I was whining like a big baby. She has stood beside me and taken my side when I felt like no one else had my back. I thought I lost her once, but through God's amazing grace and love, He gave her back to me. I have told her everything there is to know about me, the good, the bad, and the ugly!! I have told her things that the only other person who knows is my husband. I trust her with my life and my children (same thing just about). My point is, that if I'm only gonna have one "best" friend, she's it. I know I could call her at stinking three in the morning and wake her up and she would (reluctantly) wake-up and talk me through whatever it is. The best part, is that she is also my spiritual accountability partner(apart from my husband). She reminds me that I am blessed, that God is the most important force in my life, He is my rock and my fortress. She is a Godly lady. I am truly blessed to have Kristy as my friend. I have been thinking about true friends over the past week or so and my husband constantly reminds me that a person doesn't need fourteen best friends, they really only need one. I am reminded of Jesus and His 12 disciples. Yes, they were His close friends, but if you really break down the passages about His disciples, you see through the lines who His closest friends were, Peter, James, and John. He brought those three with Him everywhere. Jesus knew His time on Earth was limited and He had to teach the disciples as much in the short time that He could. But as with any person, there were His favorites, His confidants, His true friends.
We encounter a lot of people in our short lifetimes. Some we just pass, others we talk to in passing, while others we are drawn to and engage with. But there are those few that we open up to completely and love, those are our true kindred spirits. They love us, carry us, walk with us. Not everyone can be that person because well, you only have two sides. You've heard the saying, two's company, three's a crowd? We are meant for friendship, but not every person who says hello can be our best friend. Sometimes we have to learn that the hard way. We all learn that at some point. Life's hard and very rarely is it forgiving. It's good to know that God provided a friend for me to lean on when life gets hard, and although my husband is my best friend, help mate, and love, a girl needs another girl she can lean on, talk to, cry with. Do you have that? I pray you do! I prayed at one time that God would bring me a friend. I thought I was so lonely, but I didn't realize that He'd already provided me with a friend. I had to lose that friend to realize just how great she really was! I pray I never take advantage of her again!! Now I do have some very good friends that I love dearly. They listen and love me and I am so very grateful for them (my family included). But I am so very grateful for my sweet red headed friend who loves me even when I'm me, who can complete my thought and listen to my dreams. We can go months without talking and pick right back up where we left off like it was nothing but a pause in a sentence. That's friendship, that's the kind of friendship that's lasting and I am completely thankful for her today. Thank you Kristy for ten years of friendship, for always being just a phone call away, and for loving me when I most certainly didn't deserve it! You (and Brandon) are one of my many blessings!

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