In lieu of my anniversary this week, I thought I'd tell one of our funny stories from our first year of marriage. This is a pretty good one in my mind, I hope you enjoy it!
Our first home was an older, fixer upper to be sure. It was a tiny little house. The bathroom had an accordion door on it, not exactly private. It had an old store room off the kitchen, which is where the washer and dryer were. It even had one of those old water heaters that was a little box, not tall and round like they are now. It had one bedroom, a quaint living room, and an OLD formal living room with yellow shag carpet. We never used that room to my regret now, but it was fabulous storage for all of our combined items. Troy lived alone for several years before we got married and I had acquired a lot of things as well and we had no where to put them in that tiny house, hence the storage. Looking back, I loved that old house, and I still have the fondest memories of that house, and how wonderful and simple life was.
Well, moving on. You know how it is when you first get married. You have to go to the grocery store and buy EVERYTHING! You literally start out with nothing. Well, we had just come home from my parents house after coming back early from our honeymoon and some of the gracious women from the church had cleaned our house and prepared dinner for us. We sat down that first night home to a candle lit dinner of steak. The next day we went to the grocery store and bought everything we needed to set up house, including Tide, toilet paper, all the food, even spices, and salt. We spent a fortune that day. I went home and cooked my first meal for us, I was so excited to set up house. Well, that night, after I'd cleaned up the kitchen and Troy and I watched t.v. and talked a while, I put a load of laundry in before going to bed. I placed the big new box of Tide on the water heater, it being a box shape, it was perfect for placing the Tide box and Spray N' Wash on. Well I turned the washer on and headed to bed. Troy and I had just laid down and gotten almost to sleep when we heard a scratching noise and then a huge bang. We both sailed out of bed and I thought someone was breaking in. I looked at Troy and said, "Go check it out." He looked back at me and said, "You check it out. Why do I have to?" "You're the man stupid, you're supposed to check it out. " "Who came up with that", he said. Well, being my brave knight in shining armour, Troy picked up a metal hanger from the floor and banged it on the wall screaming, "Who's there, I've got a gun!" I looked at him and said, "Well you just scared whoever it is to death with a hanger!" Troy said, "Well what else do I have to use?" Troy walked into the living room and saw nothing. He went to the front door and it was sound. He went into the kitchen through to the store room and the washing machine was just a bouncing. The old hot water heater and the old uneven floor had caused our washer to start bouncing. The hot water heater was bouncing so ferociously that it knocked our brand new box of Tide and Spray N' Wash into the floor making a horrible noise like a burglar breaking into the house. We cleaned up the huge mess and went to bed, but we learned a huge lesson that night from our Tide Thief, never put the Tide back on the water heater. Hope you all have a Happy Friday. Love you friends, Come often!
This blog is mainly for close friends and family to keep up with us, laugh at the funny things my kids do, gain insight from my random thoughts, and enjoy pictures when I post them. Enjoy friends, come often!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Beautiful End is only the Beginning
This is the beautiful ending to our tale, that is actually only the beginning. I told you all yesterday that I would tell how Troy and I came to be engaged, so here is that and maybe some quick memories of nine years together. Enjoy!
Year 8:
So much happened in the in between times, how can you sum up nine long wonderful years in a single blog? You can't! I am so blessed to have what God has given me.What I want to say is to you Troy, you have given me so much. Three amazing children that love you completely, a friendship like I've never known, a home that is all ours, a love some people only dream about. I love you, yesterday, tomorrow, and for as long as God gives you to me. You are my best friend, my partner, and my love. Thank you for nine amazing years, and may God grant us fifty more, for better or worse my love. This song below is silly I know, but it sums up our life together pretty well! Here's to you my love, side by side
The summer of 2000 I went to serve as counselor at Camp Garaywa. I was sick at leaving my mother who was sick, but my heart ached at leaving Troy. We had broken up at the end of the school year a few weeks before and I didn't think I'd make it then. It seems silly now, but at the time I was miserable. It was so hard not to call him and tell him to please take me back. But two weeks after I'd gotten back home, Troy called with some cute lame excuse about having my mother's credit card in his wallet and wanting to bring it himself instead of mailing it to ensure that it made it safely. He came to Nashville and told me he really didn't care about the card, he had missed so badly he wanted just to see me. He didn't know if I'd take him back. Oh honestly! And again my heart sailed! But when I was to leave for camp, I dreaded leaving Troy so viciously, that I broke down on my stairs in a pool of tears when Troy walked out the door. He came back in and held me and then realized just how much I did indeed love him. It was then that we both knew in our hearts that we would be together till God took one of us to heaven. Our summer being very limited in seeing each other, was a hard one, but it made us appreciate each other that much more.
Around January 2001, Troy and I went to visit my parents in Nashville for the weekend. Troy never told me he was going to ask my father if he could marry me, but why else would he take my father out to eat. I did what any other star struck female with marriage in her mind would do, I began to look at wedding dresses. Troy came back grinning from ear to ear and said, "I asked your father if I could marry you, and he said yes." I was so excited, I hollered something to the effect of "I knew IT!!" I set out to plan a wedding I had not even been asked to be in as the bride yet. I chose and bought my dress before I even had a ring. At that point that boy had better follow through. Ha! I waited and waited. I thought he was never going to do it. Valentines Day came and I knew he would do it then. He came to get me at my dorm. He was being very ugly to me, being short, and snapping at me to hurry. I was so mad at him till we got to his truck and I saw the cutest little face pressed against the window with a bow. I jumped up and down clapping my hands like a small child. I opened the door and the cutest little boxer puppy jumped in my lap. I loved him instantly! I named him General Maximus Brutus. (Gladiator was very big at the time) Max was supposed to have a beautiful diamond ring hanging from his ribboned neck, but I found out later my ring wasn't ready yet.
About a month later right before spring break, my friend Erin asked me to the movies and out to eat. When we were on our way back, Troy called and asked me to pick something up from the drive threw for him. When we got to Troy's house he met us outside and sat on the tailgate to eat his food. I was sitting there staring at Troy with Erin beside me wondering why on earth he was being so darn rude to poor Erin. He jumped up a few minutes later and said, "Well I think Erin has to get on her way now, so we'll see you later Erin." I was astonished at how he was acting. I said, "Troy, why on earth were you so rude to Erin and why did you sit out here to eat? You're being crazy!" As we walked to his door and he opened it, I saw candles everywhere. In all my obliviousness, I turned and said, "Oh, did you make us a candlelit dinner?" Don't know what I was thinking then, um yeah, duh Robs you just ate! Anyway, Troy laughed and as we walked inside, and I realized quickly that this was not dinner. As I followed the trail of candles, I walked into the living room and thought I'd stepped into a cathedral. There were candles everywhere, all the furniture was moved out. The whole room glowed, it was magical! In the middle of the room at the end of a path made from candles was a trunk. At this point, I thought I realized what was going on. I left Troy standing there and hurried over to the trunk and opened it. Inside that trunk, was another trunk, inside that one was yet another one. I opened the smallest trunk and inside it was...nothing! It was empty. WHAT!! My only thought was ok, this is not what you thought, don't act upset. I knew the only way to not show my feelings was to not turn around, so I said, "Oh Troy I just love my boxes, they're pretty." From behind me Troy said, "I think this is the box you're looking for..." I turned to find Troy on one knee, smiling at me with that same genuine smile he flashed at me almost two years before on the first day I'd seen him, and he said, "Robbie, I love you, will you marry me?" I cleared the room in two steps, threw off my class ring, and put my hand in his. "Yes, yes, forever yes!" I cried, he cried (sorry Troy), and we prayed for our life together. Then I called every last person I knew!! It was truly magical and a moment I won't forget in a thousand years, much less nine! We were married five very fast months later! It was a fairy tale day, that I barely remember. I remember the important parts though, when I pledged my love before God and my family to Troy whom I love more today then I did nine years ago. I still remember to this day what my mother told me and Troy not long before our wedding. She said, "You must decide to love each other everyday. It won't always be about feelings and romance. You must wake up each day and decide to love the person next to you, because the day you don't, your marriage will be in trouble." Troy and I live by that still today. We wake up each day deciding to love each other, for better or worse. I'm not saying each day is easy. There are some days I want to hit Troy in the head with a frying pan, but I love that man. There have been many rough patches, and many marvelous moments, but each one has been a learning experience and there's no one else I'd rather learn with than Troy Comer. God has blessed us with three miraculous gifts from heaven, that we get to raise together. Our life has been one grand adventure and it's just getting started!
Here's a few of short memories of nine crazy wonderful years:
Year 1:
lost a baby Nov 01
got pregnant with Madeline 2/14/02
lost my momma 4/02
1st Ann. 8/4/02
Year 2:
Had Madeline 11/8/02
2nd Ann. 8/4/03
Year 3:
Madeline turned 1, 11/8/03
My dad remarried 11/09/03
moved to house in Myrtle two weeks before Christmas, then moved two weeks later (I'll save that story for Fun Story Friday) 12/03
Got pregnant with Ethan around Christmas
moved into a nine bedroom nursing home
my father came and preached our revival, fell under Holy Ghost conviction!
GOT SAVED 5/04 at 3a.m.
Troy baptized me
3rd Ann. 8/4/04
Year 4:
moved into house down the street from nursing home
Troy started working at ICC BSU 8/04
Had Ethan 9/14/04
moved to Dorsey,MS 3/05
4th Ann. 8/4/05
Year 5:
Ethan turned one 9/14/05
Began our adventure with NorthStar 11/05
bought a house 12/05
5th Ann. 8/4/06
Year 6:
Found out we were having baby #3! 1/1/07
Began staying home with my babies full time!
Madeline started preschool- I cried!
6th Ann. 8/4/07
Year 7:
Mollie Jo Comer is born at 4:15 in the morning. 9/25/07
I go on the Emmaus Walk that turned my Spiritual Walk around. 6/08
7th Ann. 8/4/08
Year 8:
Mollie Jo turns one 9/25/08
Go on my first trip to the Philippines 1/09
8th Ann. 8/4/09
Year 9:
Kids get a dog for Christmas 12/25/09
I go to the Philippines again 1/10
I want to shoot the dog! 3/10 ha!
We decide to home school our children, 4/10
Craziest summer EVER! 5/10
9th Ann. 8/4/10!!
So much happened in the in between times, how can you sum up nine long wonderful years in a single blog? You can't! I am so blessed to have what God has given me.What I want to say is to you Troy, you have given me so much. Three amazing children that love you completely, a friendship like I've never known, a home that is all ours, a love some people only dream about. I love you, yesterday, tomorrow, and for as long as God gives you to me. You are my best friend, my partner, and my love. Thank you for nine amazing years, and may God grant us fifty more, for better or worse my love. This song below is silly I know, but it sums up our life together pretty well! Here's to you my love, side by side
Oh! We ain't got a barrel of money,
Maybe we're ragged and funny,
But we travel along, singing a song,
Side by Side
I don't know what's a-comin tomorrow
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow
But we'll travel the road
Sharing our load
Side by side
Through all kinds or weather
What if the sky should fall
Just as long as we're together
It really doesn't matter at all
When they've all had their quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just traveling along
Singing our song
Side by side
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A love I didn't deserve
Here's today's sweet memory of mine and Troy's dating relationship and marriage. It's a little long, but I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think, comments are always welcome.
I mentioned yesterday that Troy liked my friend, but I did have a boyfriend at the time, so we remained friends at that point. By the fall, we were basically best friends. We talked everyday at school and hung out, but we also had started to talk on the phone every night too. We started out talking about my friend that he liked, then eventually we didn't talk about her anymore and our conversations became two and four hours long late into the night. We talked about everything from where we wanted to live one day, our favorite colors, foods, etc. We learned so much about each other. In the fall, the BSU had a Fall Retreat. Troy, me, and our friend Lance all rode together. We had a great time. We sat up late every night talking. But inside my soul was screaming. I knew from all my time with Troy that I would never be good enough for him. My heart was hurting. See Troy was pure and I was not. I could tell that we were beginning to be more than friends at this point and I didn't know what I would tell him or if I'd just not mention it. But what if he asked me? Our last day at the retreat our speaker was talking about David and Bathsheba. God sat square on my heart. I couldn't breathe. I WAS DAVID! I just wanted out of there away from everyone including Troy. I felt sick. I got up and went to my bunk. I leaned over my bed trying to breathe. What was I gonna do? I was scared. When I finally came out of my room, there stood Troy. He said he was looking for me and did I feel OK? I lied and told him I was fine. He knew better. We walked to the lake and he asked me if I wanted to canoe. Um, alone in a boat with Troy?? YEAH!! We canoed out into the lake and he joked about reading me poetry and all that. We laughed. Then he said I smelled like his mother. Ha ha! He said my perfume was the same kind his mother wore. Well, I never wore that again. We went back to the dock and sat there talking for a while. We shared each others testimony of how God had saved us. Mine couldn't have been very convincing, as I didn't have Christ in my heart up to this point, but I wasn't about to admit that to myself or Troy. I told him how I grew up in Church and knew all the church answers, it was just second nature to except Christ, pitiful I know. We talked about our lives before we'd met and I skittered around my horrible high school years.
When we got back to the College on Sunday night, Troy officially asked me on a "date". First things first, I had to do what I'd been putting off for a while, call my boyfriend and break it off. It hurt my heart to do so, he was such a sweet and caring guy. But I trudged up the stairs to my room and called him. I was telling him and we prayed together and I knew it would be better for us both since we lived so far apart. Meanwhile, Troy called my roommates phone and asked what took so long, we was ready for me to come down stairs. Pitiful! When I came down, my heart was swimming. When I looked at Troy this time, it was not with eyes of friendship. He took my hand and we walked out of my dorm. I climbed in his truck beside him and our first date was Taco Bell drive threw and his house to watch Jaws. We did see some of it, he he, we talked most of it, and then he kissed me. My heart still thrills over that first night. I was definitely head over heels for this boy.
Over the next few weeks, I knew I needed to tell Troy what I was dreading so badly, what I was worried about at the Fall Retreat. We sat on his couch one night and I said, I had to tell him something. I looked Troy Comer in the eyes and told him all my dirty past and how I couldn't get serious with him and not tell him. I started to cry, which I'm sure freaked him out, and told him I couldn't not be honest with him. He sat very quiet for a minute and I worried that he wouldn't want me, but I knew it was what I deserved. Finally he looked at me and told me, he never wanted to date anyone who wasn't a virgin like him, but he wasn't perfect in his life either, and it wasn't for him to say I wasn't worthy. He said he knew we were supposed to be together. I looked into those baby blue eyes, and saw redemption; that's what Troy did for me. That's also what God did for us. He looked at all we had done wrong in our lives, and loved us anyway. He told us it didn't matter. He sent His own Son for us in our place, as us, because He loved us that much. Jesus was our redemption. I hope you have that redemption, but if not, you can seek it today, God gives it free and full of grace. Just pray and ask Him to love and forgive you. Be honest with Him and tell God what you've done and how you want Him in your life forever. Be sincere and open and Christ will never deny you, no matter what you've done.
Less than two years later, Troy would ask me to marry him, but I'll tell you that tomorrow, it's a pretty special story. Love you friends. happy Tuesday, stay cool today. Come often!!
I mentioned yesterday that Troy liked my friend, but I did have a boyfriend at the time, so we remained friends at that point. By the fall, we were basically best friends. We talked everyday at school and hung out, but we also had started to talk on the phone every night too. We started out talking about my friend that he liked, then eventually we didn't talk about her anymore and our conversations became two and four hours long late into the night. We talked about everything from where we wanted to live one day, our favorite colors, foods, etc. We learned so much about each other. In the fall, the BSU had a Fall Retreat. Troy, me, and our friend Lance all rode together. We had a great time. We sat up late every night talking. But inside my soul was screaming. I knew from all my time with Troy that I would never be good enough for him. My heart was hurting. See Troy was pure and I was not. I could tell that we were beginning to be more than friends at this point and I didn't know what I would tell him or if I'd just not mention it. But what if he asked me? Our last day at the retreat our speaker was talking about David and Bathsheba. God sat square on my heart. I couldn't breathe. I WAS DAVID! I just wanted out of there away from everyone including Troy. I felt sick. I got up and went to my bunk. I leaned over my bed trying to breathe. What was I gonna do? I was scared. When I finally came out of my room, there stood Troy. He said he was looking for me and did I feel OK? I lied and told him I was fine. He knew better. We walked to the lake and he asked me if I wanted to canoe. Um, alone in a boat with Troy?? YEAH!! We canoed out into the lake and he joked about reading me poetry and all that. We laughed. Then he said I smelled like his mother. Ha ha! He said my perfume was the same kind his mother wore. Well, I never wore that again. We went back to the dock and sat there talking for a while. We shared each others testimony of how God had saved us. Mine couldn't have been very convincing, as I didn't have Christ in my heart up to this point, but I wasn't about to admit that to myself or Troy. I told him how I grew up in Church and knew all the church answers, it was just second nature to except Christ, pitiful I know. We talked about our lives before we'd met and I skittered around my horrible high school years.
When we got back to the College on Sunday night, Troy officially asked me on a "date". First things first, I had to do what I'd been putting off for a while, call my boyfriend and break it off. It hurt my heart to do so, he was such a sweet and caring guy. But I trudged up the stairs to my room and called him. I was telling him and we prayed together and I knew it would be better for us both since we lived so far apart. Meanwhile, Troy called my roommates phone and asked what took so long, we was ready for me to come down stairs. Pitiful! When I came down, my heart was swimming. When I looked at Troy this time, it was not with eyes of friendship. He took my hand and we walked out of my dorm. I climbed in his truck beside him and our first date was Taco Bell drive threw and his house to watch Jaws. We did see some of it, he he, we talked most of it, and then he kissed me. My heart still thrills over that first night. I was definitely head over heels for this boy.
Over the next few weeks, I knew I needed to tell Troy what I was dreading so badly, what I was worried about at the Fall Retreat. We sat on his couch one night and I said, I had to tell him something. I looked Troy Comer in the eyes and told him all my dirty past and how I couldn't get serious with him and not tell him. I started to cry, which I'm sure freaked him out, and told him I couldn't not be honest with him. He sat very quiet for a minute and I worried that he wouldn't want me, but I knew it was what I deserved. Finally he looked at me and told me, he never wanted to date anyone who wasn't a virgin like him, but he wasn't perfect in his life either, and it wasn't for him to say I wasn't worthy. He said he knew we were supposed to be together. I looked into those baby blue eyes, and saw redemption; that's what Troy did for me. That's also what God did for us. He looked at all we had done wrong in our lives, and loved us anyway. He told us it didn't matter. He sent His own Son for us in our place, as us, because He loved us that much. Jesus was our redemption. I hope you have that redemption, but if not, you can seek it today, God gives it free and full of grace. Just pray and ask Him to love and forgive you. Be honest with Him and tell God what you've done and how you want Him in your life forever. Be sincere and open and Christ will never deny you, no matter what you've done.
Less than two years later, Troy would ask me to marry him, but I'll tell you that tomorrow, it's a pretty special story. Love you friends. happy Tuesday, stay cool today. Come often!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Bitter Monday becomes something SWEETER!
I'm a little bummed, and not wanting to get motivated today! What I told you all last week about my typical Mondays is not typical for today. See, this is my set design week at the church to make the new set design for our children's worship with my team. It's also my work week at the new building on Tuesday night, Thursday night, and Saturday morning. It's also my anniversary on Wednesday and Troy's birthday on Sunday. You see why I might be a little bummed huh? Yeah, we're grown ups and it has been nine years, but I wanted SO badly to get away with my sweetheart. However, duty calls and that's life right? So what, I'm still a little bummed anyway.
SO, to perk me up a bit and keep you all from having to listen to me whine, over the next few days, I'm going to tell you some of my favorite little memories from being with my best friend for twelve years. (nine of those being in marriage) So to begin for today, I'll share way back when BEFORE we were mister and misses, when we were young college kids, not even dating yet. I first saw Troy on my first day of classes, when he walked into my English class. He walked into class in his typical "uniform"; khaki shorts, Hawaiian shirt, Berks, and that tattered, ratty black hat. His eyes were blue, his smile was genuine, and he had the cutest red cheeks and baby face I'd ever seen. Not exactly what Troy wanted to hear, but he was so cute none the less. He sat down and I looked over at him and smiled. I didn't even think he noticed me that first day. We did talk and he asked me where I was from all that stuff, but I had a boyfriend at the time anyway. We met again a day later (Blue Mountain is very small) in the student building. He was playing his guitar with some friends, and he could sing!! Whelp, I was smitten. Troy looked up at me and my friends and smiled. We all sat, talked, laughed, and then can you guess what happened? He turned to my friend and talked to her. Ha ha! That's right, he went for the pretty one, remember, I did have a boyfriend. When he went to leave that night, he asked about my friend and I said, I'd talk to her and see what she thought of him. It was then that we became friends. This was a friendship that would be lasting, a friendship that will never end. Stay tuned for the next memory of our change from friendship to dating tomorrow!! Happy Monday friends! Come back often!
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